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Stimulating Oxytocen in Pregnancy

Oxytocin may increase naturally during your third trimester, but stress can inhibit the production of this essential hormone. Without an adequate build up of oxytocin, the onset of labor, and the effectiveness of contractions once labor begins may be diminished. Stress, as I'm sure most can agree, is inevitable in today's society. For this reason, being proactive in stimulating the production of the oxytocin hormone can help negate the effects stress may have, and assure you have an ample build up of oxytocin towards the end of your pregnancy.

Here are my top 5 ways to increase oxytocin in pregnancy:

  1. Self Care -Self care is simply taking some time to care for you. This can look different for everyone. For some, self care is a warm bath and a good book. Others may find self care in writing in a journal, a cup of tea and a chat with a good friend, shopping for a new outfit, getting a massage, or taking a walk in nature. Self care can even be crossing something nonessential off of your to-do list and binging your favorite show on Netflix. Whichever way you choose to self care, do it often!
  2. Touch-Positive touch is one of the top ways to stimulate production of oxytocin. Spend some time cuddling your toddler or cozy up on the couch with a pet. Embrace a friend in a warm hug or kiss your kid goodbye. Have sex with your partner and then snuggle in bed. Better yet, do all of these! Varying your forms of positive touch makes the oxytocin boost even greater!
  3. Exercise -When we exercise, we not only increase endorphins, but also increase oxytocin. My favorite ways to exercise in pregnancy are yoga and walking. Doing both (or another form of pregnancy safe exercise) regularly will increase your physical health, your emotional health, and help to keep those oxytocin levels up!
  4. Seek Positivity -Surround yourself with people and things that make you feel good. So often in life, we are surrounded by negativity. Seeking out positive people and environments that support your health and well-being can be crucial to reducing stress and increasing oxytocin. A negative environment or person can instantly cause a feeling of distress. Do your best to find friends, coworkers, and family that will allow you to vent, laugh, and  feel at ease. Surround yourself with nature, pretty pictures, cozy spaces, or wherever you feel most at peace. Also, do your best to mute your own negative thoughts!
  5. Create -You've already created life, but why not take some time to create something you can enjoy now. Being creative helps to de-stress the mind and allows you to take a mental break from the mundane daily task we often focus on. You don't have to create a Pinterest worthy creation either. In fact, Pinterest fails make for hilarious social media post! You can crochet, paint, build a shelf, or color a picture of a Disney princess. You could make up a new recipe, blend an herbal tea, or redecorate your Sims house (do people still play that?). It doesn't really matter what you create. All that matters is that you enjoy the process!

Doing these five things to boost your oxytocin will not only benefit your pregnancy, but also your life. Oxytocin boost will create a calmer, stress reduced, and happier life. Who doesn't want that?!

Do you have a favorite way to boost oxytocin? If so, please share with me in the comments!