Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Preparing For Birth?

Preparing for Birth is a comprehensive, evidence based childbirth class that provides expecting parents with the information they need to prepare for EVERY birth. Students are taught about a wide range of information including varying prenatal and postpartum expectations, communication with their partner and medical care providers, interventions and testing in the birthing person and baby, comfort measures and pain management, meditations, and self care.

Why Choose Private CBE?

Private childbirth education classes, specifically those using the Preparing for Birth curriculum, offer an unbiased, evidence based, and comprehensive approach to childbirth education. The classes are taught with a heartfelt approach that is inclusive to all birthing persons, and focuses on far more than what is traditionally covered in a hospital based course. Private classes give you the opportunity to be in control of your own education, and give you the chance to find empowerment for your birth in the knowledge you gain. They leave you prepared for not only the birth of your baby, but the birth of your family!
With a strong emphasis on postpartum expectations, that is unique to this curriculum, you also get a good idea of what to expect postpartum. At a time when your body, your relationships, and your family dynamic are all experiencing big change. This is an aspect to having a baby that is often left out of childbirth education, but I feel is so import to be prepared for.
The birth of your baby should be a joyous memory and not one filled with negativity and fear. Education helps to take away the chance of negativity, minimize the fears that come with the unknown, and increase the likelihood that your birth will be one you enjoy looking back on.

What can you expect?

Each group class offers open discussion, detailed discussion of that days topics, a ‘be well’ exercise to help encourage optimal fetal positioning and good posture in the birthing person, comfort techniques, and a meditation session.

Students will learn about a wide range of topics including birthing statistics, choosing a care provider, how the uterus and cervix work, coping with labor, stages of labor, birthing your placenta, newborn procedures, postpartum mental health, and so much more.

Classes are taught with every learning style in mind, and include discussion, visualization, and hands-on activities to keep you and your partner engaged and having fun!

Participants are encouraged to dress in comfortable clothing and bring a blanket, pillow, yoga mat, snacks/drinks, and whatever they need to stay comfortable during the class. Most couples choose to sit on the floor, but chairs are available to those that want them.

I also encourage students to take time before/after class and during breaks to communicate with one another. Part of the fun of group classes is building connections, friendships, and support with others in a similar life stage as you.

Private, in-home classes are not much different in terms of the topics discussed or how they’re presented. Families can expect the same level of varied teaching mechanisms, we’re just usually able to go through them a little faster in a one-on-one setting.

All students, regardless of your class course or setting, are given free access to stream Prepared Feeding, an online infant feeding course that is instructed by an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC), for nine months. This course goes over multiple aspects of breastfeeding, pumping, and formula feeding, and is a wonderful resource for expecting and new parents!

Whatever course you choose, I ask that all students come into class with an open mind and open heart. I always strive to do the same!

I can’t wait to see you in class!

Doula Ashland County, Ohio