Go the F*** to Sleep-The Top 5 Survival Gifts for New Parents

Blankets, bibs, bottles, booties....Many new parents find themselves swimming in baby gear, clothes, and odds and ends. The truth is, babies don't require quite as much stuff as most baby registry list would lead you to believe. In fact, I'm pretty sure the list of things I needed to survive babies first year was much longer than the list of things my baby did. 

If I could do it all over again, I'd have gotten rid of a few sleepers and swaddlers, and added in a few things for myself. After all, the number one thing a baby needs is a caregiver right?!

Here is my list of the top five survival gifts for new parents:

1. Coffee-This ones obvious, right? Probably. Either way, it's definitely essential. I can assure you that my parenting skills are lacking without it. And, since it's a gift, go ahead and throw in a nice mug as well!


This awesome Breaking Bad mug was handcrafted by RJ Clay Company.

2. Chocolate-Rewarding your kids for using the potty is a thing. Why shouldn't parents be rewarded for diaper changes? They totally should.



3. Amazon Prime-Being able to stock up on said coffee and chocolate without changing out of your spit up covered robe, or having to bundle up your sweet (just fell asleep for the first time in what seems like days) baby, is a seriously awesome gift.



4.Target Gift Cards-As amazing as Amazon Prime is, sometimes you need to get out of the house, see other people, and pretend you've got your sh** together. Unfortunately, wandering Target aimlessly can get expensive quickly. Gift cards certainly help to ease the blow, and make sanity saving shopping more accessible!



You can buy this on Prime!

5.Go the F**k to Sleep-Bedtime is the perfect time for snuggling up with your little one, and reading a good book! Afterwards, they can quickly drift off to dreamland and.....just kidding. If your kid is anything like my 4, dreamland is a long way off. Read this book (maybe just to yourself....) while they (insert list of 6,991 things that suddenly must be done or discussed) before falling asleep. Humor makes the sleeplessness more bearable. And in case you're too tired to read, here is Samuel L. Jackson reading it for you:

*Unless you're comfortable with your kids hearing swear words, wait until they're out of ear shot before you listen!