Choosing a Care Provider for Pregnancy

Choosing a care provider when trying to conceive or already pregnant is often overlooked. Sure, most already have a provider they see for gynecological care, but not often enough do they seek out a provider that’s going to be a good fit for the birth they’re hoping for. Taking the time to sit down and consider the type of birth you want, where you want to birth, and what you’ll need to feel supported during your pregnancy and birth is so important! While your OB or midwife may be great at well women care, they may favor deliveries that differ from your goals, or maybe they only offer services at the hospital in their town, but you’re hoping for a waterbirth that is only offered in the next town over. These are things that should be considered when making your choice. Choosing a supportive provider in the beginning will help you to go into birth with less apprehension, and feeling more supported. Remember though, even if you’re further along in your pregnancy, it’s never to late to seek out the care you deserve! Use the graphics below to help guide in making the right choice for your birth!

Also, don’t forget that a care provider is only part of the picture. The hospital you choose, the support persons you have with you, and the backups your provider has all matter too! When it comes time for delivery, your care provider is usually the person you’ll see the least. Make sure you choose your whole birth team with care and consideration.

Choosing a Care Provider in Pregnancy
Questions to Ask Your Potential Care Provider for Pregancy