Using Your B.R.A.I.N to Make Decisions in Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth

Using Your B.R.A.I.N to Make Decisions in Pregnancy and Labor(1).png

Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth can come with an overwhelming amount of decision making. Sometimes we feel put on the spot and make rash decisions we later regret. Taking the time to use your B.R.A.I.N when faced with a decision allows you to make informed choices that you're confident in, and prevents you from deciding to do or not do something you'll later wish you had/hadn't.

The B.R.A.I.N acronym is one of my favorite tools to use as a doula, and I hope you'll find it useful too! I find it particularly helpful when deciding on interventions during labor. Don't be afraid to go through this acronym with your care provider when they suggest a test, intervention, or procedure. An informed decision is always the best one!